Healthy disciplines result in health and maturity
People have lost their time, space and ability to think. Open, honest, explorative, collaborative consideration of diverse ideas has been replaced by choosing sides, debating and score keeping. No more thinking, just choose your side and without thinking accept what others say they believe and repeat mantras that others have developed.
We need to recover our time and freedom to freely think.
The aim of collaborative book reading is to regain our ability to think. With confidentiality and without judgement we practice thinking by reading and discussing book(s) 1 on 1 and  chapter by chapter.
As iron sharpens iron,so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 Â
How does it work?
- We agree on a book to read together I will suggest some that I’ve found fruitful or we can suggest another.
- We will both purchase an e-book via Kindle or elsewhere
- I will set up a Google Drive folder for you and I to store chapters that we’ve read and commented on.
- I will upload chapter by chapter to the folder.
- We will both, separately read and comment upon what we read – questions, concerns, thoughts
- We will then review one another’s thoughts and comment back and forth until we are complete with the chapter.
- Once done, I will upload the next chapter